Local company Booking Rooster is joining a number of Tauranga businesses sharing their success in operating online, at an event to showcase Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) in action.
To celebrate the completion of the UFB network in Tauranga, Local Fibre Company Ultrafast Fibre Limited is holding a two-day ‘Beyond Broadband’ Expo with free workshops at Baycourt Community and Arts Centre, Friday 11 and Saturday 12 March.
‘Events over easy’ is one of a series of free workshops offering practical advice to the community, run in collaboration with the Cloud Speaker Series. Now in its 5th year, the annual series focuses on thriving local businesses winning through the use of Cloud Technologies.
Ultrafast Fibre CEO William Hamilton says the ‘Beyond Broadband’ Expo is designed to show Tauranga businesses and residents how they can use UFB to “go faster” online.
“UFB is available and in action in Tauranga. We want to encourage everyone across the City to see the benefits and opportunities of getting connected. The Expo is a great way to learn more,” he says.
Booking Rooster Director Moira Moroney says Ultra-Fast Broadband helps the company and their clients get the maximum benefit from their product.
“Our whole business is run online so it’s crucial we have a fast and reliable connection,” she says.
“Our system is all about driving administration costs down, so the faster the internet connection, the greater benefit.
“By sharing our experiences at the expo next month, we hope to help other businesses achieve their own success.”
A range of workshops will run throughout the Expo, covering topics including ‘How cloud computing works for Heilala Vanilla’, OMGTech’s ‘Digikids’, and Consumer NZ’s ‘Which UFB service is right for me?’.
“There will definitely be something for everyone,” Mr Hamilton says.
“If you’re a computer novice wanting to chat online with family overseas, or if you’re looking for ways to innovate in your business, we’ll have advice that’s relevant to you.”
A variety of technology companies and broadband retail service providers will be at the Expo, allowing people to speak directly with the experts, obtain one-to-one advice, and to enable residents and business to place an order to connect.
For more information and to register for the workshops, visit www.gofaster.co.nz