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Broadband Shared Property Access Disputes Scheme

Tuatahi First Fibre is a member of the Utilities Disputes scheme called Broadband Shared Property Access Disputes. This is a third-party dispute resolution scheme for when Tuatahi First Fibre has used its rights under the Telecommunications Act 2001 to install a connection at a property using a notification process.

Who can use the Broadband Shared Property Access Disputes Scheme?

This scheme is free and independent to you.

It can be accessed by:

  • Property owners or occupiers who have received notifications from Tuatahi First Fibre on planned installation work as an ‘affected person’ who shares a driveway or a common area with our customer.
  • A person who has placed an order with Tuatahi First Fibre and who believes they have a dispute of their own with a person described above (for example, where that person may have lodged an objection to the planned work) and our customer wishes to dispute that directly through the scheme.

What does the Broadband Shared Property Access Disputes Scheme do?

In situations where Tuatahi First Fibre has relied on its rights under the Telecommunications Act 2001 and you believe you meet the criteria above, Utilities Disputes can look at disputes about:

  • Our rights to access your shared property to install broadband
  • Whether your objections to our rights of access are valid
  • Our actions while using our rights of access

Contact the Broadband Shared Propoerty Access Disputes Scheme


Call 0800 223 340 or email info@utilitiesdisputes.co.nz